
Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 11 – round your numbers & move units to the title


Too much detail in your visuals can distract from what's really important. You don't want your dashboard to be filled with large numbers, decimal places or showing measure units in your tables. So don't include more detailed precision than is necessary. In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 12 – beautiful or understandable


What should be the primary aim of a report’s visual design? It should not be beauty, but simple comprehension. Many will find the richly colored picture on the left of the attached example more beautiful than the one on the right. But what if our message concerns the traffic light? It is much >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 10 – achieve consistency in reporting


Introducing the power duo: IBCS and Zebra BI. By adopting these industry standards and cutting-edge tools, your company can achieve consistency and clarity in its reports. IBCS (International Business Communication Standards) provides a framework for standardized reporting, ensuring that your reports are clear, concise, and easily understandable across departments and stakeholders. Complementing IBCS, >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 9 – actionable visuals


Last year I started making a number of posts to share some tips and tricks about making actionable reports. Given the positive feedback I've received, I've decided to continue this series with actionable visuals. In Power BI there a more than 40 visuals as a default available to use in your report page. >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 8 – line chart visual


Do you use line chart visuals in your report? How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is not enough. Actionable Reporting is about getting insights fast: the faster you learn what’s >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 7 – KPI card visual


Do you use KPI card visuals in your report? Cards visuals should probably be the best way to show an overview of the most important KPIs. How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 6 – treemap visuals


Do you use treemap visuals in your report? How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is not enough. Actionable Reporting is about getting insights fast: the faster you learn what’s happening >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 5 – “spaghetti” (line) chart visuals


Do you use “spaghetti” charts in your report? How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is not enough. Actionable Reporting is about getting insights fast: the faster you learn what’s happening >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 4 – donut visual by Aegon


Do you use donut visuals in your report? How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is not enough. Actionable reporting is about getting insights fast: the faster you learn what’s happening >> Lees verder

Power BI | Actionable reporting – part 3 – gauge visual


Do you use gauge visuals in your report? How effective are they on a dashboard? Are they easy to read and to understand for the viewer? In today's reality, creating reports that are just showing some numbers is not enough. Actionable Reporting is about getting insights fast: the faster you learn what’s happening >> Lees verder

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